Basic Linux File Commands

I remember when I was first starting out with Linux - I would only look up instructions on how to do specific tasks. I didn’t invest much time at all trying to gain any foundational understanding. However, after reading enough material, I began to recognize the same commands over and over. At this point, I decided to research the most common Linux commands to gain familiarity with them; this way, I didn’t have to look them up every time I read an article which resulted in a dozen browser tabs. It’s been over a decade since then and, now, it is time for me to contribute my own beginners version.

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Navigating the Linux File System via CLI

It’s said that everything on a computer is either a file or process. In a strictly binary way, all computer data is just a combination of 1s and 0s; therefore, files are simply data that’s stored, typically on the hard disk or in memory (RAM), while processes are the manipulation of that data - usually in the CPU. Here, we’ll be reviewing different ways to view those files on a Linux system.

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How to Edit Plaintext Files with Vim

On Linux systems, there are an astounding amount of plain text configuration files that determine how the system and various services behave. As such, it’s important to know how to create and edit them. When I was first starting out, I used nano because it was familiar and simple to pick up; although, while many people use nano, I now prefer Vim. Vim is arguably more difficult to learn because it’s not intuitive; however, once you get used to it, I believe it has a lot of useful functionality to offer.

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3 Linux Terminals for Windows

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Chances are, you’re not running Linux on your laptop or desktop. As such, if you have Linux servers to manage, you’ll need a Linux terminal emulator installed so you can SSH into those hosts. I’ve used many terminals in the past - Below are a few that I’d like to expand on so you might try them out yourself and determine which one you prefer.

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